510 miles in Californa

Dave Turner, a professional pilot from California, just finished 510 miles (820km) bivy flying in the wild Sierra Nevada, south to north of California!

After completing his solo and unsupported bivy flying he resumes:

"What an amazing time I have had along the way. Big thermals, demanding flights, steep hikes, heavy pack, sketchy conditions; all were encountered on this south-to-north traverse of California and the High Sierra. I started out from the beach at Ventura, California, on the 19th of April and traveled alone and unsupported to my destination 30 days later, up at the northern end of the Sierra in Verdi, Nevada. I travelled 510 straight line miles to arrive there, with 55% of that distance covered by flying my Ozone LM5 paraglider, and the other 45% by hiking my ass off through the rough and remote terrain."

You can read the full report of this adventure in his website:

Dave already had good experience on bivy flying the Alps on 2013 (http://sierraparagliding.com/alps-vol-biv-expedition-2013/). He reminds to pilots that flying in the Sierra can be "challenging, with big and strong conditions".

He is now collecting donations for his next bivy flying for more than 2.500km in the Alps (summer 2014).You can click on the link below if you might be interested in helping support the expedition through a donation: http://www.gofundme.com/7tk7nc



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